Like a Phoenix rising out

of the ashes, we support you

to discover yourself after an abusive relationship.

Reinvent yourself and find the new you with our support.

Our programs are designed for women to find themselves, ​regain their self-worth and love themselves again after ​surviving an abusive relationship.

We assist you to feel free, to spread your wings and fly ​again, r​i​sing like a Phoenix out of the Ashes.

Feel empowered, fulfill​ed, confident, happy, self-reliant and YOU agai​n​ through our Phoenix Rising p​rograms.

  • Find a​nd love yourself again
  • Find yo​u​r​ ​p​o​w​er
  • Get excited about your future

Woman holding card with Self Love Club motivational quote.

"Becoming courageous is the willingness to realise your true capacities by going through discomfort, fear, anxiety or suffering and taking wholehearted responsible action."

~ Ruth Schimel Ph. D.

Meet your guide

Hello, I'm Kath

I'm a STARR Method™ Complex Trauma Practitioner and Empowerment ​Coach, specialising in Domestic and Family Violence, advocating for ​women to live their best on purpose life.

I too was once in your shoes as I’m a survivor of domestic violence and ​understand the dynamics.

Like you, I was trapped in the seeming never ending cycle of abuse, ​going from relationship to relationship to find myself yet again, walking ​on egg shells and definitely not free to be me.

Over the past few years, I’ve spent my time reinventing my life - I finally ​found myself, I love being authentically me and love the beautiful life I ​now have.

I put my own missing pieces together, and have learned to love myself ​unconditionally. I’m able to set healthy boundaries and have healthy ​relationships with others. I created the life I had always dreamed of, ​creating it on my terms; I love the life I have created and am thriving.

Now I’m here to help, support and guide you on your journey of ​transformation, to create your best on purpose life, the one you have ​always dreamed of.

Why work with me?

I have walked in your shoes when it comes to our shared stories and experiences, so I understand the importance of holding a ​safe space and providing an informed, empowering pathway for your healing.

Using the STARR Method™ Program – a groundbreaking, “whole of mind and body” therapeutic approach to transcend the ​pain of your past wounds, transmute your emotional triggers (anywhere, anytime!) and LIVE from your authentic self.

Through this work, you will:

  • Know exactly what healthy relationships look like and ​how you want to be treated in that relationship.

  • Experience connected, thoughtful, effective, and ​peaceful communication within your relationships.

  • Be in healthy, loving relationships – feel connected to ​yourself and to others.

  • Feel connected to yourself and able to be yourself, ​knowing you will be accepted for who you are.

  • Know exactly who you are and embrace your authenticity ​with confidence.

  • Feel confident to express your thoughts and desires with ​courage.

  • Love yourself unconditionally, having respect and self-compassion and kindness for yourself.

  • Be able to put yourself first, making self-love and self-care a priority for you, with no compromise.

  • Be able to speak your truth with confidence and be assertive when needed, without feeling guilt or over-thinking and ​being concerned about what others will think.

  • Be able to set healthy boundaries and make yourself a priority in your own life.

  • Feel happy within yourself and feel empowered!

Are you ready to create your best on purpose life, the beautiful life you have always dreamed of, loving the life you ​create on your terms!!? Then let STARR light your path to trance-formative healing to become the empowered hero

(and healer!) of your own story, to live the life you have always wanted.

Change Your Story, Change Your State, Change Your Life!!

I’ve been in your shoes!

I have personally been impacted by domestic violence and survived. I’ve rebuilt a life filled with peace, harmony and happiness – I can show you how to do the same.

Your story is safe with me

Professional, empathetic, kind, caring and compassionate are words that have been used to describe how I work. Your story is safe with me.

Judgement free zone!

Judgement free, we will work together through whatever comes up, to find a solution, in order for you to change your life.

Welcome to your journey of finding all the missing pieces that make up the beautiful person that is you. Where you will awaken to the essence of you; where you will want to love and embrace everything about the beautiful person you are, and come to realise - you are perfect just the way you are, you are enough, you are worth the very best that life has to offer. This is guaranteed to be an exciting journey of self discovery, enlightenment and empowerment for you.

I am here to help those of you who now find yourself on your own healing journey - looking for answers as to why you have been caught up in the cycle of abuse; wanting to heal the pain sitting at your very core; and looking for a way to move forward, to break free from the cycle of abuse chains that have held you bound.

If you're curious and wanting to find out more about how to break the cycle of abuse, the STARR Method™ Program might just be the thing you've been searching for to set you on your way to creating your best on purpose life, the life you've always dreamed of, the beautiful life you have always deserved to be living. Reach out for a free, no obligation chat.

Beautiful clients say this about our journey together...

“Kath has helped me many many times throughout my life and especially whilst I was been dealing with various family and​ highly emotive issues, by listening, acknowledging and hearing what I've said, to gain further insight and understanding of​ situations and people. ​

Kath gently and caringly guided me through the STARR program and always provided a safe environment and ongoing​ support. I became more assertive and revisited the sessions as needed."​

- Annette D

"Kath is an amazing individual and the perfect person to guide you through STARR therapy, or just to counsel you, she is very ​intuitive and understanding.

If you're ready to have your life transformed but aren't sure quite how - she can help you help yourself! (Being prepared to open ​your mind really helps too!) I've struggled to deal with mental health issues, emotional issues, social issues for a long time. After ​completing the STARR sessions with her, I am so much happier and generally at peace, and within months I am now much less ​dependent on medications.

The 'little things' don't bother me so often anymore... It sounds so trite but she really has helped me to help myself."

Katherine s

Find yourself with The STARR Method™ Program

The STARR Method™ Program is a groundbreaking, “whole of mind and body” therapeutic approach to transcend the pain of your past wounds, transmute your emotional triggers (anywhere, anytime!) and LIVE from your authentic self!

The STARR Method™ Program is an 8 week program where we work together, one-on-one, which takes you from feeling powerless and lost to feeling confident within yourself; having a deeper love and understanding for and of yourself, and allowing yourself to see a much brighter, joyous future, living your best on purpose life.

Are you ready to find you again?

Calendar Outline Icon

Step One

Book a free Personal Empowerment ​Clarity call today by clicking the button ​below and choosing a day and time ​ that suits you​.​

Video Call Webcam Laptop Monitor Icon

Step Two

At the end of your free consultation you ​will receive a plan specifically tailored ​to provide you with the pathway forward ​to your healing journe​y​.​

Document Icon

Step Three

Your plan and your welcome ​documents will be sent to you to get ​you started!

I can't wait to support you in finally ​breaking the cycle of abuse, so that you ​to can create YOUR best on purpose ​life!

Do you have questions?

What is behind the name Project Phoenix Rising?

The spirit of the Phoenix is very powerful. This mythical creature is able to burn entirely and resurrect itself from its own ashes. While it may not be a gentle process, it can lead to very drastic and positive changes, erasing all burdens from the past and start afresh and anew.

The Phoenix is a bold, indestructible being – just like you. BY making the Phoenix your ally you will be strong enough to create rapid transformation, quickly letting go of energies which are no longer useful to your well-being and be able to access a whole set of new opportunities.

This daring approach opens many doors all at once. Not to be overwhelmed by all the potentials within you, take some time to study your various options. But the only way is up and at full steam under the power of the Phoenix.

What services do you offer?

One on One (hourly rate) – sessions can be done in person or Zoom. You choose which one best suits you.

8 week program - STARR Method™ Program – 1.5hrs per session, with one session per week. I also provide a follow-up service, which is part of the fee, to keep you on track, see how you are going and answer any questions along the way.

Workshops – these are to be advised.

How long is each STARR Method™ session?

Each session takes about 90 minutes, but I ask that you allow for 2 hours. I do not believe in “one size fits all” and I will not stop the session because the time is up. If we are in the middle of something important, I will take the time to complete the session, even if that extends the time.

Do you guarantee results with the service you provide?

Yes. Project Phoenix Rising guarantees that if you open yourself fully to your coaching, as well as dedicating time and effort as required, follow the action steps and goals, you will get great results from your life coaching experience. I use many effective tools to coach you towards the results you are wanting. In every session, you will learn a different technique and you will be provided with extra work (homework) to incorporate the new learning. These things will eventually become part of your daily routine.

I am confident that this program will assist you in making the positive changes in your life, moving you closer to the desired life you are wanting.

Can we chat first to see if we connect before I commit?

Absolutely! Before working with my clients, I like to have a brief chat to ensure we are a good fit before I send through options and pricing. You can book a time to chat here.

Do you guarantee the privacy of my information?

Absolutely! As a STARR Method™ Complex Trauma Practitioner and Empowerment Coach with Project Phoenix Rising, we guarantee never to use your details or anything you say without getting your permission first.

At the end of our time together, you will be asked to write your feedback and you can choose whether you want this information to stay confidential or not.

Where will I meet my practitioner/coach?

I live in Coffs Harbour, New South Wales.

What if I don’t live in Coffs Harbour, in New South Wales or even in Australia?

The wonderful news is that you can live anywhere around the world and choose to receive your STARR Method™ sessions over Zoom.

Where can I find prices?

You can pay in full for the program or we can offer pay by installments to suit your budget.

What are my payment options?

Option 1

If paying full, full payment is expected prior to starting your sessions.

Option 2

Cash - payment must be made on the day.

Option 3

Direct Deposit - if paying by installments, payment must be made by the due date as agreed.

Question not answered?

Please book a call here > or email me with your question or query about the most up-to-date pricing

Let's get together and go for a walk along the beautiful Coffs Harbour Foreshore, while creating a supportive network of like-minded women and having fun. This is a women's walking group and is for you if you are:

  • Feeling isolated and looking for female companionship.
  • Looking for a supportive group of other women.
  • Wanting to make positive changes in your life.
  • Wanting a more harmonious, peaceful life.
  • Interested in gratitude and mindfulness.

This is a walking group with a difference - it is made up of a half hour walk (approximate) along our beautiful foreshore, followed by a half hour of more connecting, buy a coffee if you wish and come have a chat (each week there'll be a topic / theme that I hope will prompt some useful or helpful discussion for you).

2023 © Project Phoenix Rising. All Rights Reserved.